Our Terms and Conditions


1. Reservation

Booking inquiries can be made by telephone or e-mail.
Only once our Terms and Conditions have been accepted and partial payment has been made does the booking become effective. The customer receives confirmation of a binding reservation in writing by e-mail from Cold-Nose-Huskies. We recommend that customers book as early as possible, because the number of participants on all tours is restricted.

2. Payment

2.1. Tour prices
The payable price is determined by the service described on our website (www.cold-nose-huskies.se) or a quotation specifically made for the customer. Unless otherwise stated, all prices are in Swedish kronor (SEK) per person.

2.2. Partial payment and payment of balance
The customer receives an invoice for partial payment after we have received their booking. This invoice also serves as the booking confirmation. The partial payment is 25% of the total amount, and is payable within 10 days. The balance must be paid by bank transfer to Cold-Nose-Huskies at least 30 days before the tour. If partial payment or payment of the balance is not made in time, Cold-Nose-Huskies reserves the right to withhold the service.

2.3. Short-term bookings
In the case of short-term bookings (60 days or fewer before the start of the tour), the total price of the tour is payable immediately upon receipt of the booking confirmation.

3. Price changes

In the following exceptional cases, Cold-Nose-Huskies may raise the prices stated on the website (www.cold-nose-huskies.se):

  • Increase in travel costs
  • The introduction of new levies or fees by the government
  • Government-decreed price increases (for example, value-added tax)
  • Changes in the exchange rate

Cold-Nose-Huskies will inform customers at least 21 days before the start of their tour should price increases apply for any of the above-mentioned reasons. If the price increase is more than 10% of the advertised price, the customer has the right to withdraw from the contract within five days of receipt of notification of the increase.

4. Cancellations

4.1. Cancellation by the customer
Cancellations must be made in writing and by registered mail. Up to 90 days before the start of the tour, the cancellation fee is 25% of the advertised price. In cases of shorter-term cancellations, the following fees apply as a percentage of the total price:

  • 89-60 days before the start of the tour    60%
  • 59-30 days before the start of the tour    80%
  • 29-00 days before the start of the tour    100%

The cancellation date is defined as the date of the receipt of the written cancellation. If the receipt is received on a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday, the next working day applies as the cancellation date.

4.2. Cancellation by Cold-Nose-Huskies
It is at the discretion of Cold-Nose-Huskies whether to refrain from undertaking tours owing to insufficient participant numbers, strikes, unrest, force majeure, unsuitable weather conditions, danger to the safety of the participants, or withdrawal of permission by government authorities. In such cases, the amount that the customer has paid to Cold-Nose-Huskies shall be reimbursed in full. Any further claims against Cold-Nose-Huskies are excluded.

4.3. Premature return
Should a customer discontinue a tour through their own fault, they shall not be reimbursed for services not used. For reasons of safety and environmental protection, the tour guide retains the right to exclude from continuation of the tour any tour participants who do not comply with the required rules of conduct.

5. Contractual services/changes to services

The scope of contractual services is determined by the description of services in each tour as advertised on the website of Cold-Nose-Huskies (www.cold-nose-huskies.se). In the interests of the customer and in some other cases, Cold-Nose-Huskies reserves the right to change tour programs or individually agreed services should such changes be required due to unforeseen circumstances. In particular, Cold-Nose-Huskies shall not be liable for changes in the tour program resulting from no fault of their own, due to force majeure, measures taken by any government authority, strikes, unsuitable weather conditions, or the late arrival of third parties. However, Cold-Nose-Huskies shall endeavor to provide equivalent alternative services.

6. Insurance

The tour packages of Cold-Nose-Huskies do not include insurance of any kind. We ask the customer to check whether they already have sufficient insurance cover for cancellation, repatriation, medical emergencies, accidents, or any other insurance situations. We recommend that the customer purchases travel cancellation insurance upon booking the tour.

7. Disclaimer

Cold-Nose-Huskies expressly states that each customer takes part in dog sled, canoe, or hiking tours at their own peril and risk. Cold-Nose-Huskies shall not be liable to the customer for nonfulfillment or incomplete of the contract due to:
  • Failings on the part of the customer
  • Unforeseen or unavoidable failures of a third party who is not party to the delivery of the contractually agreed services
  • Force majeure or an event that Cold-Nose-Huskies or a provider of services could not foresee or avoid despite all due care
  • Poor weather and snow conditions and high temperatures in winter that endanger the safety of people and animals

Cold-Nose-Huskies is thus not liable for changes in the tour program due to strikes, unrest, unsuitable weather conditions, measures taken by any government authority, the late arrival of third parties, and so on. Cold-Nose-Huskies is not liable for changes to tours as a result of flight timetables.
Cold-Nose-Huskies is not liable for risks to participants’ health in connection with participation in a tour. Before the start of the tour, the participant must inform the guide in good time of any potential health problems and, in particular, any special dietary requirements or food intolerances.
Cold-Nose-Huskies is not liable for accidents, losses, or other damages that are the fault of the participant. Nor shall Cold-Nose-Huskies be liable in any way for any misconduct of individual tour participants.
Cold-Nose-Huskies is permitted to discontinue a tour if the tour participant defies the instructions of the guide or if the participant does not have the necessary physical condition for the tour.
Cold-Nose-Huskies shall accept no liability whatsoever, except for willful negligence and intent.

  • Before making the booking, the customer read and accepted the disclaimer.*